Saturday, November 6, 2010


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Black Widow Review

Christian Bitch at TACO BELL

So i was in Taco Bell today just ya know getting some tacos. So after i ordered my food i stood over by a trash can just waiting for my order to show up. So while i was standing there looking like a retarded person some lady walks up to me (i had seen her walk in with her son) she stands facing me and i knew what the fuck was up... she wanted to talk to me. So first thing i though was "fuck man i hate talking to people in general and of all places Taco Bell". Before she even said anything she handed me what looked like a mini comic book so naturally i was like FUCK YEAH i love mini comic books, but as i looked closer i realized that the comic books title was "Are you a Christian" so now i understood that this bitch wanted to talk to me about Christianity. Now i'm not a religious person in any way so now i'm trapped waiting for my food at Taco Bell listening to some bitch tell me about the Christian ways. So being the polite motherfucker i am i nodded and even gave some of my precious eye contact while she blabbed away about how that hippie looking motherfucker died for our sins. So when my order was called she looked at me and said "is that your food coming up" and i said "yeah" then she said "are you gonna stay" and i though to myself "yeah fucking right like im gonna eat my Number 7 to you talking to me about the lord" so what i actually told was "no im gonna go home and masturbate to Beastiality videos" and her son gave me a dirty look like i said something wierd. So i left with full intention of ruining their day... and i fucking succeeded. On the way home i threw that fucking mini comic out the window with bad intentions... FUCK PEOPLE AT TACO BELL TRYING TO TALK TO ME BOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN TACOS.